Navigating the AI Brand Dilemma:

A comprehensive guide to consumer expectations, anxieties and brand distrust in a new era of AI

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We invite you to explore the fascinating world of consumer understanding and sentiment surrounding AI. Together, let's unlock the insights that will shape the future of advertising in this new era.

  • The Evolution & Adoption Of AI

  • Shifting Consumer Expectations & The Brand Dilemma

  • The Factors Of Trust & Brand Imperatives

  • A Closer Look At The Nuances By Category


In today's bustling tech landscape, one topic is loudest: AI.

  • As advertising leaders, it's our responsibility to pioneer this new frontier and embrace its possibilities as early-adopters.

  • In the industry race to harness AI’s promise of efficiency and innovation, we risk losing sight of the most crucial perspective: that of the consumer.


Key Factors for Trust in AI

  • Understanding

  • Security

  • Transparency

Overall, I have more concerns than excitements [about the future of AI]. I'm very concerned about job displacement, disinformation and voter manipulation.”


Brands Are Caught In An AI Dilemma

  • Consumers Expect Better Brand Experiences With Advanced Tech

  • But Consumers Feel Concerned About Brand AI Use

Meet the Authors

Download the full report.